I have a confession - I am a lurker of blogs. I have a list of about 10 blogs that I check in on everyday. I never leave a comment, well, maybe once or twice. That's bad I know. Mark and Jessica say that it is creepy that I "stalk" these people. Truth is, I'm nosey and these blogs are interesting!
So, one of the blogs I frequent is the blog of Ali Edwards. It is aliedwards.typepad.com. I need someone to show me how to add links. Anyway, last year she had this idea to pick a word as your focus for the year. Sort of a new year's resolution in one word. My word for last year was simplify. Since we moved into a house twice the size of our other one, I don't think I grasped the concept of simplify! LOL!
This year my word is devotion. My first thought was that it simply meant being faithful in my devotion time with God. But over the past two weeks I have been really trying to figure out what "devotion" means. Websters says that devotion is
1 a: religious fervor b: an act of prayer or private worship —usually used in plural c: a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregation2 a: the act of
devoting b: the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal 3obsolete : the object of one's devotion
My first and most important goal for this year is to strengthen my relationship with God. I want to study more and understand God and His purpose for my life. My hope is that through a more powerful relationship with God I will be able to strengthen my relationships with everyone else. It seems "devotion" is a good word to focus on!
What is your word (or focus) for this year?