I started a new Bible study this week. Not surprising it is by Beth Moore. She has started a new series called The Personal Reflection Series. This one is based on her study of David. Each day is short, which I thought was good when I bought it but now that I've started it, I wish they were longer! At the end of each day she has a page titled, "Praying God's Word Today". She has this great concept of taking a verse and turning it into a prayer.
Here is the one for yesterday:
Father, thank You for the assurance that You are always at work in my life. Help me to see that to follow You never means to throw away who You made me to be. For I am Your creation-created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You have prepared ahead of time so that I should walk in them (Eph. 2:10).
This is really speaking to me. I just need to know exactly what those "good works" are! But it is reassuring to know that what I have gone through and what I will go through is part of His plan and that I will be prepared for whatever He needs me to do.