
Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Weird Smile Stage

Please understand that I am not complaining about this! Actually it just cracks me up to get these shots because this is so Kirsten's personality. So I guess we are officially in the sometimes-weird-sometimes-fake smile stage. Take exhibit A (here in this post) and exhibit B (in the Easter post below). I'll have to admit that I didn't really experience this much with the other two so I guess I should consider myself lucky (or not!). It is actually pretty cute!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Easter Sunday

I am so thankful Easter was a beautiful day. Holidays seem to always be so busy but the nice weather made it all bearable for me. Mark's family came over after church for lunch. I'm still not totally comfortable preparing the whole meal for a special occasion. Everyone said it was all good but what else are they going to say!

After overeating, as usual, the kids had their egg hunt in the back yard. No meltdowns so I think it was a great day!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Egg Hunt

This photo is from our church egg hunt last weekend. It was a beautiful day and perfect for this! The girls had fun. Here we go again on the over abundance of candy! They are both fairly picky on their choice of candy so I know I can weed out what they won't eat! I just have to refrain from eating it myself!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's Spring!

We had a great Spring Break. I am so glad the weather is turning warmer! This is one of my favorite times of the year!

This picture was taken at the park in White House. It was a beautiful day and the girls had a great time. I think Kirsten went down this slide about 30 times! They slept good that night!

We have lots of things going on for the next two months. I can't believe Easter is in 2 weeks! I have Easter dresses for Kirsten and Courtney but nothing for Jessica. Our church egg hunt is this weekend, hopefully the weather will be good!

See ya!