The women at my church started a new Bible study last night. We will be meeting every Tuesday night and I will, hopefully, give a recap here on Wednesdays.
Last night was the introduction to the Bible study, "A Woman's Heart - God's Dwelling Place." This is a Bible study by Beth Moore. We have done two other studies by her and have attended 3 of her conferences. I have to tell you, she is awsome! God has annointed her with a love and understanding of His Word that is hard to discribe! If you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak or participate in one of her Bible studies, then run, don't walk!
"A Woman's Heart" is a perfect example. We are going to be studying the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness and how it's significance is relevant to us today. The first time I heard Beth speak, her message was based on Old Testament scripture and I was amazed at how she opened my eyes to the relevance to my life. It was on the journey of the Isrealites out of Egypt, through the wilderness and finally to the Promised Land. She compared this to the different seasons of our lives and our relationship with God. It was amazing! I can't wait to see how this one comes together.
At each Tuesday night meeting we watch a video of a message from Beth and then we have 5 days of homework in a workbook to complete on our own. As I mentioned, last night was the introduction. She gave us 10 goals that we want to strive for during this Bible study. They are:
1. To encounter God's perfection against the backdrop of our poverty. (meaning we are poor in spirit and the realization that we cannot save ourselves. She also said this should be an ongoing reflection of what we would be like without Jesus)
2. To arrive ultimately at the same destination (the Holy of Holies), even if we have traveled at different paces. (she made the point that each of us will work at a different pace, will crasp the information in different ways, etc. but our final destination will be the Holy of Holies or the ultimate place of intimacy with God)
3. To encounter and acknowledge the reliability of God's Word. (She said, "A lack of faith does not affect God's fact. But His fact deeply affects our faith." I have not been able to get this out of my head. It is so profound!)
4. To develope further an honest relationship with God.
5. To gaze at the details of the tabernacle and discover Christ. (I can't wait to see how this come together)
6. To develop a fresh appreciation for what it means to be called by name.
7. To substantially increase our knowledge of scripture through the great Teacher.
8. To develope a deeper relationship with God as Father.
9. To have our focus changed from ourselves to our Savior.
10. To become living proof that Jesus lives.
I am so excited about this Bible study! The other two I have done have been equally exciting but I have to admit that I did not committ to them totally. I am going to really be serious about this one. I don't know if each entry on Wednesdays will be this long, or if you want it to be! Please tell me if this is too much info or if you would like to see more. Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
Thank you for posting that!!! I actually thought about going to your Bible study with you but I always seem to have something on Tuesdays. I either work, have a class or go to the grocery store or something.
I love it that you posted the information. Please, please, please continue to do so. Maybe I can learn thru you.
Great stuff! Can't wait to hear more!
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