
Saturday, August 27, 2005

First game of her senior year!

I am going to try and not be emotional over every little event but it's going to be hard! Friday night was the first football game of Jessica's senior year. I am not ready for this!

Every home game the band gets together in the same spot - in the parking lot next to what was the band building when Mark and I were in middle school. It is the site of our first kiss, by the way (this thought grosses Jessica out so I have to mention it often). It is a detached building from the main school building. These building now house the county school administration offices. Anyway, the band parks their semi trailer here and then once everyone is in uniform, they form a circle and begin warming up. This parking lot is between two buildings so the sound is always amplified. It makes them sound twice as big as they are. I think this is a psycological ploy to spook the visiting band! So this photo was taken as they were warming up.

I took a bunch of other shots with my SLR. I'm thinking about documenting this whole season just in b/w. I have a handful of b/w shots from other years but I want to do this differently. Also, I can scrap them in colors other than green and gold. I won't miss the break from that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessica looks like you in this picture! I guess it's the angle or maybe the way she's wearing her hair, but she favors you so much. I think the b/w idea for an album about her senior year in band is a great idea. I would personally get sick of green and gold too. Just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi! Tiffany